Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to the Coaches' Desk

Confused yet by the title? Don't be. You will understand momentarily. My name is Shawn Jordan, and I am the future Head Coach of the Chicago Bears.

Before you start thinking I'm crazy, think about it. I've strived my entire life for that dream. Why waste 18 years of dreaming. It'll take time, but it'll happen.

But enough about me, let's talk about me! Hmm, let's start with the basics. I am 18, 6'4", 275 lbs. I'm normally the loud one, talking and laughing with my peers. Basically, I like to have fun! Life is far too short to be bored. The best part is, I found a novel concept! I AM HAVING FUN! WITHOUT DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! Take that, Society!

Oh, by the way, I'm crazy. Just letting you know. Heh, if you are planning on following this blog, you better be prepared for the most random posts, strangest phrases, and crazy rants.

This blog is TECHNICALLY for my Intro to Media class, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna brush this sucker off. This blog belongs to me. And I will use the web to unleash my army of random posts, ensnaring readers and slowly melting your brains! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Believe me now? I am beyond a doubt going to blow you away with my insanity! Or scare you away! That works too!

And now, I leave you with a picture of the Lombardi Trophy, which in due time will be in my possesion!
Peace, Love and Football, y'all! Buckle up, cuz it's time to PARTY!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your dream! to be an NFL coach would be incredible! but i'm a browns fan so... football may not be so entertaining for me! haha.
